Here’s a collection of Medical Billing Business Books from reputable sources on how to start and succeed. This includes straight forward info on getting clients, writing contracts, marketing your business, and pricing your services.

Most of these medical billing books are available electronically (eBooks) so they can be delivered immediately – no waiting!

How To Succeed In The Medical Billing Business

95 Honest Answers to Your Most Popular Questions

Over 90 pages of straight forward answers on starting a profitable and successful home based billing business – this might be the most important book you can read.

We answer the most important questions everyone has:

  • How much can you make?
  • How much does it cost?
  • What do I have to know about billing and coding?
  • How do you get clients?

Based on our experiences starting and operating a successful medical billing business. Learn from our mistakes. We spent over $3000 on training materials and software we never used – and didn’t need.

Includes FREE bonus Medical Billing Terminology reference ebook.

Click Here for More Info

12 Keys To Increased Wealth in Your Medical Billing Business

Great ideas and how-to on starting and building a successful Medical Billing Business. When I read Alice and Michele’s book, I find myself nodding in agreement so much. They obviously know what they are talking about as evidenced by their successful business. Learn how to find new doctors and what the “Porsche Drawer” effect is.

Advanced Medical Billing Marketing for the New Economy

Such a relevant book for these times! The Newest marketing book with effective ideas for your medical billing service. Whether you’re a new billing service just starting out or an established one trying to grow in this challenging economy.

This 84 page book does a great job explaining why this is a great time to start a medical billing service in this economy and the opportunities it presents. It gives you new fresh ideas for getting appointments, signing up new clients, and teaches you new methods that are more effective and quicker than traditional marketing techniques.

Pricing Your Medical Billing Service

A must read for pricing your services for those just starting a business and the established medical billing service. This book can really help you choose the best method for pricing your services.

Gives real world examples and experiences we can really relate to – so you won’t have to make the same mistakes. The stories and antidotes really hit home!

Write a Kick Butt Contract For Your Medical Billing Service!

A comprehensive 82 page guide to writing a contract for your medical billing service. Information on contracts, Errors & Omission insurance, compliance plans, as well as a whole section on pricing for your medical billing business.

Medical Billing Home Business in a Box!

I wish it was available when I was getting started. It sure would have saved me a ton of time and money. This is a collection of medical billing books that includes the following:

  • How to Start Your Own Successful Medical Billing Business
  • 12 Marketing Strategies To Grow Your Medical Billing Business
  • How To Complete a CMS 1500 (HCFA 1500) Completely and Correctly – Line By Line Box By Box
  • Secrets to Signing Up Your First Doctor
  • Basics of Medical Billing
  • Getting Started Workbook
  • “Big Pack” of Completed CMS 1500 Practice Forms
  • 50 Blank New CMS 1500 Forms 
  • Plus 3 special reports

This comprehensive library of medical billing books will provide you a solid foundation.

Take Your Medical Billing Business to The Next Level!

It’s one thing to start a business. Learn how to grow your business efficiently and effectively.  After you’ve started your medical billing business, you’re ready to grow.  From going full time to hiring employees.

Special Medical Billing Discount Packages!

Medical Billing Live also offers Discount Packages of Medical Billing Books which include combinations of the above books at a discount:

If wanting to start a home business, get a book written by someone who has started a successful billing business or currently operates one. Their advice will be a lot more valuable than someone who writes a book about starting any business and tries to apply it to medical billing. The unique challenges and character of medical billing can only be explained by someone who has experienced it.

Look for medical billing books with useful information on contracts (this could be a separate book in itself), pricing your services, how much you can expect to make, whats required to start a business, software, clearinghouses, etc.

Marketing Your Services
Marketing a medical billing business is a topic worthy of a book on its own. It’s one of the most important aspects to a successful medical billing business. A book that gives good marketing ideas and advice (like Alice & Michele’s above) is invaluable. Getting clients is one of the biggest challenges when starting a medical billing business.

Learning techniques to convince a doctor to give your billing service a chance is invaluable. Good marketing books should have innovative marketing techniques, how to find clients and what they want to hear, what to say when you meet with a doctor or office manager, and services to offer to distinguish you from the competition.

In summary if you want to learn about all the different facets of billing, obtain good books from reputable authors and plan on using multiple resources to reach your career objectives – whether to get a steady job or start a business.

Medical Billing Books