Write an effective Medical Billing Resume. Where can you find medical billing employment. See what kind of salary to expect for entry level medical billing jobs. Learn what it takes to get into the medical billing field.
When you are looking for a physician – whether in the phone book or on your insurance companies web site. Notice how many doctors there are. Well Each one of these needs help with billing and coding. There’s always a demand for medical billers.
The Outlook
The U. S. Department of Labor – Bureau of Labor Statistics projects an annual increase of 14.4% in health care office and administrative support occupations. Although the Department of Labor does not specifically categorize the medical billing specialist, they do project a 20.9% increase in those performing bookkeeping and accounting functions and a 21.5% increase in general office clerical functions – which is where the medical billing employment functions best fit.
This corresponds to a projected increase of 21.3% for professional and related occupations – or health care providers. All these providers will need billing services. Especially considering the increasing complexity of the billing process brought on by changes in health care reimbursement.
In summary there’s a GREAT outlook for medical billing employment. And this is based on the most credible source available – the U.S. Department of Labor. Reference the Bureau of Labor Statistics Career Guide to Industries – Health Care.
Medical Billing and Coding Job Search
Searching for medical billing employment? Use Indeed’s simple job search engine for relevant jobs on our Medical Billing and Coding Jobs page.
Medical Billing and Coding Careers
What do medical coders and medical billers do? Learn what the differences are and what fits you best.
Medical Billing Jobs
What are the best sources for medical billing employment. Online or your local newspaper classifieds. What are the best online job sites when searching for medical billing coding jobs. Search for medical billing coding specialist jobs here.
Medical Billing Salary
See what type of salary you can expect and what effects pay. How much difference does experience make for a medical billing specialist salary? See how salaries compare to other medical office jobs.
Medical Coding Salaries
See what range in Medical Coding Salaries is. Learn how experience influences the Medical Coding Specialist Salary and compare to other Medical Office occupations.
Glassdoor is a popular career site that provides a great medical billing employment resource with an inside look at jobs and companies. This includes anonymous salaries, company reviews, and more.
Medical Coding Job Opportunities
Learn what the outlook is for medical coding job opportunities. Search for medical coding positions in your area to see what medical billing and coding employment is available.
Top Interview Questions for Medical Billing and Coding Jobs
Here’s some of the more common interview questions asked for medical billing and coding jobs that may help with your job interview preparation. We’ve also expanded on what the interviewer is likely looking for when asking these types of questions.
8 Helpful Panel Interview Tips
Eight essential panel interview tips to help you in preparing for the increasingly popular panel type interview. Panel interviews, also known as a group interview, is performed by two or more people.
12 Interview Thank You Letter Tips
Very few job interviewees take the time to send a post interview thank you letter. Here are 12 helpful guidelines for those willing to take the initiative and stand out from other candidates. These tips are not specific to just medical billing employment, but apply to any job.
Interview Thank You Letter Samples
Use these interview thank you letters as a template or starting point to give you some ideas and create your own thank you note. Feel free to copy for your own use.
Write An Effective Resume
The key to getting an interview is a good resume. Learn what to include. Use our sample medical billing resume as a guide. Get tips on writing an effective resume.
Medical Billing and Coding Training
Learn what the options are, how much to expect to spend, and how long it will take. 8 questions to ask when scoping out a medical billing and coding school.
Medical Billing Jobs From Home
You’ve seen the adds for medical billing employment that sound ideal. After all, can’t billing and coding be done out of the office? Read more here.
Medical Coding From Home
Is Medical Coding From Home possible? My experience operating a home business that provides billing and coding services. I perform medical coding as part of our medical billing home business. The nature of the work lends itself well to work from home as long as good communication with doctor.
Remote Medical Coding
Learn how Remote Medical Coding Jobs are possible and the benefits or working remotely. Search for Medical Coding Jobs online to find employers that allow Medical Coding From Home.
Entry Level Medical Billing Jobs
Learn from a stay at home mom’s employment medical billing from home experience. What to expect and how to get trained. See what the typical duties of a medical billing specialist are.
Working for A Billing Service
Learn what its like to work for a billing services company. Here’s an idea of what to expect based on my experiences both working for and owning and operating a medical insurance billing company. This is great way to start for those seeking entry level medical billing jobs. That’s how I got started in this business.
Medical Billing And Coding Companies
A Practice’s financial existence is dependent on a competent Medical Billing and Coding Company. Observations of a medical billing and coding service business owner. How medical billing services operate and what kind of services they provide.
Where The Jobs Are
Most medical billing employment opportunities are going to be in a doctor’s office, hospital, or billing service. In general the larger practices and hospitals will probably have the best benefits. However they do tend to be more bureaucratic, rigid, and impersonal.
A small practice will most likely get you more exposure and experience in other areas such as coding and office management as employees tend to multi-task more. They are also more likely to be flexible and possible allow working from home – if they have the computer network capability. The pay is usually not as competitive at a smaller practice.
Network. If there’s a certain employer or practice you want to work for, get to know someone who works there. Friends, relatives, coworkers, and neighbors may know about job opportunities before they are formally advertised.
Google Work From Home – Is It Possible
You’ve probably seen the testimonials or junk emails about Google Work From Home opportunities. Learn the truth about legitamate work from home jobs involving Google.
Considering Starting A Medical Billing Business?
Starting a medical billing coding business requires wearing several hats. What to consider when starting a medical billing service business. Links to other helpful resources.
Work At Home
www.MoneyMakingMommy.com is a great web site to get ideas for work at home jobs for moms. It’s a great resource of information for other legitimate opportunities to earn extra income from home.
Online Medical Billing
A variety of medical billing and coding online topics including good online medical billing and coding info sources, online medical billing software, online medical billing jobs, or online medical billing schools.
Ace The Interview
Read the job listing carefully. Make sure your resume and cover letter or correspondence clearly addresses the requirements of the job. Make sure your resume/cover letter stand out for all the right reasons – it’s professional, concise, and easy to read.
If there’s any way to find out the name of the hiring manager you can personalize your cover letter. If the job listing has specific instructions for responding, follow their instructions.
Send a thank you note to the interviewer – even if you don’t get a job offer. It conveys professionalism and they will more likely remember you for other openings. There’s a good amount of turnover in the health care industry so chance are will be other opportunities there.
Research the practice or hospital you are interviewing with. Be able to answer the following questions: Tell me about your background and experience that qualifies you for this job. Why do you want this job (don’t just say “for the money”). State your career goals.
Dress appropriately and listen to interviewers questions carefully. Gather your thoughts and quickly refer to your notes or resume while coming up with a good answer. If necessary ask interviewer to repeat the question.
Ask questions that demonstrate your knowledge and qualifications as a medical biller such as: What is the current state of insurance aging? Do you have a HIPAA compliance plan? What’s your biggest billing issue?
I like to follow up the interview with a thank you email or note gently summarizing why I’m the best candidate for the job and thanking them for the opportunity to interview. Even if you don’t get a job offer, it leaves a good impression.