by John

What’s your opinion on the impact to billers of converting from ICD 9 codes to the ICD 10 code?

I’m really concerned about how this is going to impact providers and medical billing services. Especially after our experience with the NPI transition.

It just seems to me that the ICD 10 Code transition will be much more complex than the transition to NPI. And it was expensive and disruptive to our medical billing business. What bothers me also is how overwhelmed our clearinghouse seemed to be with this transition. I can’t imagine what it’s going to be like for ICD 10.

I know October 1, 2013 seams like a long way off – but preparing for this transition is going to take a lot of planning. There’s also the costs to consider – in direct and in-direct costs.

Direct costs in time and money for training, cross-walking ICD-9 codes to ICD-10, and potential costly software modifications. Can our practice management software accommodate the ICD 10 Codes? By indirect I mean costs in interruptions to reimbursement for a healthcare provider – especially small ones. I have a feeling this is going to cost all parties involved

The transition from ICD 9 codes to ICD 10 is another part of the HIPAA legislation passed in 1996.

In the long run, going to ICD 10 Codes is probably a great idea, but getting there is going to be a big challenge.
