by Camille

I am getting an interview for a medical billing job and the potential employer is expecting a presentation. What should i prepare ahhhh!

Wow – that’s the first time I’ve seen an employer requesting a presentation for a billing or coding job!

My approach would be to use it as an opportunity to show what you know and what you can do to improve their accounts receivable and reduce unpaid or rejected claims.

You might make something like a simple PowerPoint presentation that discusses some of the current issues challenges providers face in getting paid and how good billing practices can reduce rejections.

An example might be reasons most claims are rejected and changes or practices that will reduce unpaid claims. Or you could use examples you have seen in billing and coding and what should be done to correct or prevent problems.

You could also talk about some of the changes affecting billing such as HIPAA, Medicare changes, ICD-10, online medical billing software, electronic medical records, etc. Your welcome to use anything from this site you find helpful.

You might also discuss coding errors or deficiencies and the importance of using up-to-date medical billing codes.

You may want to make significant part of the presentation about your qualifications, education, experience – whats on your resume. That’s really what this is about – selling yourself.

Hopefully this gives you some ideas – I’m sure you’ll do great. Just spend time assembling good material and practice.

Good Luck – Gina

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