by Sid

What are the things that would affect the patient’s satisfaction when calling for an ambulance billing service?


When selecting a billing service from the patient’s perspective, I think the following are important:

  • Patient payments being promptly and accurately applied to their account.
  • A phone number where the patient can reach someone to ask questions or explain a bill. It’s important the billing service returns patient calls promptly if they can’t answer the phone right away.
  • A courteous, patient, and professional billing service that can diplomatically handle sometimes angry and irrational patients.
  • Timely and accurate patient statements.
  • Easy to read statements – so they can see what insurance paid and what the patient is responsible for.

Probably the biggest source of complaints from patients that I’ve seen is that the patient can’t reach anyone to explain their statement (bill), the statement hard to read, or the billing service is not showing credit for payments made. Also if the statements don’t have enough info it’s hard for the patient to determine what they are being billed for.

Hope this answers your question Sid – thanks!


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