Online Medical Billing Degree

Medical Billing Coding Training

Options when considering an online medical billing degree. What to look for in a reputable billing coding medical online training program.

A degree is not really necessary just to practice medical billing. However if you are considering billing coding medical online training, you want to take a course that prepared you to take the Certified Medical Billing Specialist (CMBS) exam.

Before pursuing billing medical school training, you first need to consider the following questions:

  • Do I want to pursue Medical Billing or Medical Coding?
  • Do I need a degree if I’m just pursuing medical billing?
  • Do I want to pursue an medical billing training online or a more conventional program?
  • Is a reputable online medical billing degree available?
  • How much can you afford to spend and how long does it take?
  • Are you already working and pursuing another career or just trying to get that first job?

There’s a fairly wide range of options for those seeking a medical billing or coding degree:

Certificate Program
There’s the 1 year certificate or diploma program. These in general take approximately 9 months to a year to complete and are offered by vocational career colleges or community colleges.

There’s also more abbreviated courses like offers. It’s a highly rated, affordable, self-paced online medical billing training course taught by instructors who actually work in medical billing. And its accredited by the Better Business Bureau and guaranteed.

Associates Program
An associates program in medical coding or billing typically requires about 2 years to complete. This is a more in depth curriculum that is typically offered by the same career vocational and community colleges that offer the one year certificate program. Any credits earned towards an associates degree count towards a bachelors degree if you later desire to pursue it. Many coders pursue an associates degree.

Bachelors Program
There’s not really a designated medical billing or coding degree four year bachelors degree. The closest bachelor program would be a degree in health information or administration offered by a college or university. A four year degree is also beneficial if you plan on pursuing a management position.

If you are considering an online medical billing degree – or course to prepare for certification, consider the following when making a decision:

Just Medical Billing
If you just want to concentrate on a medical billing, here’s what to look for in a good program:

  • Take a course from an institution that specializes in medical billing. Be leery of billing coding medical online training courses who use third parties to write their curriculum – or contract out the learning.
  • Take a course that allows you to study at home at your own pace. This is important to those who need more flexible options than the conventional medical billing coding training.
  • Take a course from a reputable organization and how long have they been in business. Will they provide references? Be suspicious of anyone offering a medical billing training online who won’t let you talk to former students or provide references.
  • Cost – how affordable is the billing coding medical online training? Do they offer flexible payment options or different training programs. A comprehensive online medical billing degree program should cost less than a thousand dollars.
  • What type of support do they offer? Do they have student forums open to public view? Student support should be part of the course for no additional cost. Either by email, telephone, or online student forum.
  • Does the program prepare you for the Certified Medical Billing Professional certification? At the completion of the course, you should be prepared to take the certification exam.

Do you have to become a medical coder?
A lot of the educational clearinghouses confuse people by combining medical billing with coding and other programs but you do not have to become a medical coder to be a medical billing specialist. Most comprehensive online medical billing degree programs will provide you with all you need to know about medical coding.

So what’s the difference between Medical billing and medical coding?
Medical coding is the assignment of diagnosis and treatment codes based on the providers patient encounter information. A medical billing specialist is responsible for entering the provider and patient information into the medical billing software program. The medical biller receives the codes from the medical coder or physician. Once entered, the claims can be submitted to the insurance carrier for payment. Once payment is received the medical biller enters the payment information and generates patient statements. They may also generate reports and investigates unpaid or rejected insurance claims.

Any Medical Billing Courses Online That Stand Out?
Edu-Search – the “Medical Billing Schools” search box near the top of this page is a good resource. Just enter your Zip in the search box and it will take you to a page with medical billing and coding schools near you – or online.

The medical billing training online offered by is a reputable and affordable program if you are considering pursuing an online medical billing degree.

They offer a course that can realistically be completed in 3 to 6 weeks for a very affordable cost, they’re certified by the Better Business Bureau, and they only teach medical billing classes online. They also allow you to “pay as you go” and pay for the chapters or courses as you can afford them.

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