Medicare Supplemental Insurance Billing

When Medicare is a primary insurance and a Medicare supplemental insurance is a secondary insurance, what is the process for billing the supplemental insurance?

Can they be both billed at the same time or do I need to wait to get the EOB from Medicare before submitting the bill to the supplemental insurance? Or does Medicare automatically submit their EOBs to the supplemental insurance? Please help!


I don’t know of any way to submit the primary and secondary claims at the same time. We’ve always submitted the primary first and once it’s paid submitted the secondary (or supplemental) claim with the EOB.

Like you mentioned this involves attaching the primary EOB with the secondary claim. I also usually highlight or circle the particular info on the EOB so there is no confusion with the secondary insurance company.

The only time I have seen Medicare submit to supplemental insurance is with Medicaid – But I have not been able to figure out a way for Medicare to submit to the supplementary insurance.

I wish there was an easier way because it sure is labor intensive.

