by Jacqueline


I just got a job in a medical billing company. One part of the job is to sort the mail. I have to separate the mail by charges, notes, correspondence, payments and hospital bills. My question is how can you tell the difference between them all? They all look the same to me. Any help would be appreciated.

Great question Jacqueline – I understand the difficulty identifying the differences in all the types of mail coming into a billing office.

The only way I could really sort is by the return address – if there was one – or the type and color of envelope. As you probably know some of the mail doesn’t have much to identify it on the outside. I got better at sorting over time only because I learned what the different types of mail was based on identifiers on the envelope and size, color, etc.

For example patient payments came in a certain size and color envelope so they were easy to sort. Also payments from certain insurance payers were easier to identify. Unfortunately there were always some that I couldn’t identify without opening.

Thanks for your question – Unfortunately I don’t know an easier way other than just experience.
– Gina

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