How Math Applies to a Medical Administrative Assistant

by Anonymous

I am working on a college paper on how math will be used in my career. I am majoring to become an administrative assistant. I have Googled every possible thing I can think of. My question for you is….how is math used by a medical administrative assistant?

A medical administrative assistant would need to use basic math skills mostly when working on insurance and patient billing. This is mostly addition, subtraction, and multiplication.

For example if a patients insurance covers 80% of a contracted amount, you would need to understand how to determine the amount through multiplication. (multiply 0.8 times the allowed charge).

Also basic math is necessary in understanding how co-pays, co-insurance, and deductibles are determined. A lot of times this is already calculated on the Explanation of Benefits that comes with the insurance payments. But it’s important to understand how it is calculated.

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