by Peyton
(Riverside, CA)

Your website is great! Very useful information.

Do you know where can I find good information on the average salaries for medical transcription? I’m trying to decide if I should pursue an entry level medical transcription job or look for entry level medical billing jobs. I found your information on medical billing salaries and medical coding salaries to be really helpful.


Thanks for the Question Peyton.

I’ve compiled information on the average salaries for medical transcription here.

I’ve tried to use several sources of information to get a good idea of what to expect for a medical transcription salary. Most salary surveys show a range from the low $20,000 a year range for entry level medical transcription jobs to the mid $40,000 for experienced transcriptionists.

You may also want to read Michele Millers book The Step By Step Guide to Medical Transcription. It covers everything from what medical transcription is to what you can expect to make, education, terminology, and how to start a business. It’s a good investment if you’re considering careers in medical transcription.

The neat thing about medical transcription jobs is it lends itself to working remotely – or from home. This kind of flexibility in a career is a great benefit. Of course that depends on your employer unless you work as a contractor.

The U.S. Department of Labor projects an annual growth in job opportunities of 11% for the next several years.

Thanks again for the question and good luck.
